bits and pieces من هون وهونيك

“death reunites.”

Friday, November 27, 2009

My new resolution..

My Eid el-Adha's resolution for this year :

Playing "Hide and Seek", perhaps?! ~ RiHA

Cartoon from the internet

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

In 10 years, my friends, this will be the only "natural breast" a man can ever have!

حقوق النظرية محفوظة © ٢٠٠٩


Ladies, beware of silicone breast implants!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Universal Children's Day

"Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it."
~ Harold Hulbert ~

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."
~ Stacia Tauscher ~

November 20,
Universal Children's Day

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my "Mantra"

Be a Sunflower..

follow the Light across the horizon, for it will lead you.

~ RiHA ~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Inborn vs. Acquired

I'll never understand this freakish relationship between men and football..
but I believe it's something inborn!! and not acquired..

حقوق النظرية محفوظة © ٢٠٠٩

Picture from the internet

If the stars were mine..

If the stars were mine,
I'd give them all to you..
I'd pluck them down right from the sky,
and leave it only blue..

I would never let the sun
forget to shine upon your face,
so when others would have rain clouds
you'd have only sunny days

If the stars were mine,
I'd tell you what I'd do..
I'd put the stars right in a jar and give them all to you..

If the birds were mine,
I'd tell them when to sing..

I'd make them sing a sonnet
when your telephone would ring

I would put them there inside the square,
whenever you went out..
so there'd always be sweet music,
whenever you would walk about..

If the birds were mine,
I'd tell you what I'd do..

I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you
I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you

If the world was mine,
I'd paint it gold and green..
I'd make the oceans orange for a brilliant color scheme

I would color all the mountains,
make the sky forever blue..
So the world would be a painting
and I'd live inside with you..

If the world was mine,
I'd tell you what I'd do..
I'd wrap the world in ribbons and then give it all to you

I'd teach the birds such lovely words and make them sing for you..

I'd put those stars right in a jar.. and..
give them all... to you!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

حكايات ألف ويلة وويلة

..وفي الليلة الخامسة والثلاثين بعد المائة، أكملت شهرزاد المهمّة
وتشكّلت الحكومة

أصداء الخبر في الشارع اللبناني

المدام الاولى : ومين وزير الإعلام؟
المدام الثانية : طارق متري
المدام الاولى : يييي مش لابقتلو.. غازي العريضي أحلى على التلفزيون

وعجزت شهرزاد عن الوصف المباح

هذه القصة تمتّ كل الصّلة بالواقع اللبناني

Monday, November 9, 2009

وعلى المرأة السّلام

دار هذا الحوار الأكثر من شيّق بين مذيعة وإحدى الرّسامات اللبنانيات التي "إشتهرت برسم المرأة عارية" على حدّ قول المحطّة التلفزيونيّة

ملاحظة : مدّة هذه المحادثة لا تتخطّى ال١٠ ثواني

المذيعة : ليش العُري؟ ليش اخترتي المرَا العَريانة

"الرّسامة : المرأة هيّي جميلة ﺑِ "تِزْليطْها

ما بقى في إلا الرّجال يطالبوا بحقوق المرأة.. حق إحترامها أو عالقليلة إعتبارها كائن بشري
وإلا.. وعلى المرأة السّلام

هذا الحوار مبني على وقائع حقيقية وشخصيات حقيقية

Thursday, November 5, 2009