bits and pieces من هون وهونيك

“death reunites.”

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A procrastinator, craving for Labneh

How to get rid of this "doing things at the last minute" habit?!.. though I just got used to it and started to like it.

It's 3 AM, I have two major assignments due tomorrow and I only have 7 hours to complete them.
funny/sad thing is that...I didn't even start yet!


current feeling :
a hunger for labneh.

3.00 AM .. no labneh at home
Labneh* ..that's all what I'll have for Iftar tomorrow

Sunday, August 29, 2010

a dream, an airport and a hand

same desire..
only mine is a daydream

Holding Hands in a dream may reflect anxieties about losing touch or drifting apart from someone.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Addicted to silence.. to words.. a reverie
and that old photo.

I'm seriously playing with fire..
did I become a pyromaniac..?!

Friday, August 27, 2010

a little bit of warmth

.. it's when you love the way that special one* calls your name.

حقوق النظرية محفوظة © ٢٠١٠

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Now it's official
I can fly around the Earth
travel overseas
go back and forth between big cities

Glad Venus doesn't require passport or visa!

*I'll take you where no living soul, family or friend, has gone before.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

As expected, in the summer breeze

We never talked about it.. love-and-loathing
but you left, leaving remedy behind.

Thank you


"standing in the middle of a battlefield" is more literal now.
Welcome to the jungle.. proudly called Lebanon!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Homesick, at home

current feelings : emptiness, silence, nostalgia, homesickness.. at home, isolation.. against one's will, wetness in the eyes..

in other words, feels like "standing alone in the middle of a battlefield".

current music mood : that Moroccan song..
and your voice echoes in my mind, repeating over and over.


summer ends here.

I miss you.

Monday, August 23, 2010

مؤونةَ عامٍ

« الحَيــاةُ ذِكْـريـَـاتْ.. ومَــا تـبـقّـى مِـنْـهــا إلــى زَوال »

فـي جُـعْـبَـتـي أجْـمـل اللّحظـات، وأحْـلى الذّكريـات

هِـيَ مَـؤونَتـي للعَـام المقبِـل

ًّوفـي قَـلـبـي حـبّـًا أبـديا
لا يـَعـرِف حُدودًا، ولا مَسَـافـات

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Earth is ALIVE..

.. not for long though.

It's true that I chose Venus to be my escape..
but Earth will always be my Motherland.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

un souffle doux et une belle promesse

état d'esprit actuel :
Où es-tu? de Marc Levy

Extraits (préférés) de "Où es-tu?"

«Les gens sont libres, et l’attachement est une absurdité, une incitation à la douleur.»

«Comme ils sont étranges ces jours où la joie de vivre est programmée dans les calendriers.»

«Aimer ce n’est pas renoncer à sa liberté, c’est lui donner un sens.»

«Il y a des journées où le temps passe si vite que l’on a peine à tout faire, et d’autres où l’on regarde sa montre sans cesse, à croire qu’elle s’est arrêtée.»

«On rêve d'un idéal, on le prie, on l'appelle, on le guette, et puis le jour où il se dessine, on découvre la peur de le vivre, celle de ne pas être à la hauteur de ses propres rêves, celle encore de les marier à une réalité dont on devient responsable.»

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Godsend* - via Fed.Ex

I've been having these weird thoughts lately..

Like if I ever have children, I would choose you to be their Godmother*.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

"We all live in a fishbowl"

Current status :
The Aquarium, by Yousry Nasrallah

Laila and Youssef, two characters who don't know each other, will meet eventually.

Their lives will not change drastically.

They will just realize how lonely they are.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Isolation.. here I come!

Friday the 13th
Freaking me out alright!

So.. this should be like Earth Day, only this time I will turn off all my electronic devices - cell phone, laptop (i.e. facebook, gmail, Fattouch) - for one full day, 24 hours, and not only one hour a day.

PS : This post was written in advance, and scheduled to be posted at exactly 12.01 AM

يوم حافل

شو هالصّدفة، اليوم بلّش شهر رمضان.. بالنّسبة إلي

رمضان مبارك


August 13, 2010 - merged* again..

111th birthday, and he's still the Master

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

مشوار.. رايحين مشوار

بيروت منصوريّة عين سعادة بيت مري برمّانا فالوغا بزبدين رأس المتن قبّيع قرنايل المتين حمّانا بمريم صاليما قلعة بتخنَي المديرج بحمدون القريّة عاليه حازمية فرن الشباك سليم سلام المشرّفية شتورة السّوق الحرة دمشق القديمة سوق البزورية سوق الحميديّة مقام السّيدة رقيّة الجامع الأموي قصر العظم البزوريّة دمشق الجديدة باب توما ريف دمشق مقام السّيدة زينب بدمشق المصنع صوفر بحمدون كركول الدّروز

٧ - ٨ - ٩ آب ٢٠١٠

Friday, August 6, 2010


كيف فينا نروح بعيد؟
أقرب من السّما.. بشوي

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Avec le temps,
Avec le temps va tout s'en va...

Et l'on se sent tout seul peut-être mais peinard...
Et l'on se sent floué par les années perdues.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Feeling multicolor*

.. so, how desperate would someone be if he asked for a shoulder to lean on.. to think, or cry!

Oh, that's what "feeling blue" means..