bits and pieces من هون وهونيك

“death reunites.”

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Tena is my new friend  :-)

she is two years old, she lives in Zagreb - Croatia,
and she is a little bit shy.

Tena's favorite hobby.. is to pose for the camera
or to wave to strangers holding a camera.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just a thought..

On my way back home, I met five mexican women of three different generations following their Lebanese ancestors' footsteps   :-)

Oh how I wish my ancestors were andalusian !

my (imaginary) andalusian great-grandparents

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Literally speaking..

They say "wherever you go, you leave something behind".
Well, I just left my sneakers somewhere on the other side of the world!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

..who's the happiest of them all?

I met an italian guy today.
I was with a bunch of arab girls, dancing, yelling and laughing all night long.

He came closer to us and said : "you are the happiest girls I have ever seen in my entire life.. and people believe that italians are the happiest human beings on earth!!"

*  *  *

Actually, I never knew whether it's a good thing or a bad thing to live in a third world country with continuous electricity cut-off, the highest poverty rates, where unemployment reigns, war is a constant threat, and violence and sexual abuse is part of our everyday life - men violence against women, parents and teachers violence against children, government violence against peaceful civilians, and despite all the above, we're  simply happy* - even better, the "happiest* girls a carefree italian guy ever saw"!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

on my way to the post office

I came all the way here from Beirut..
to donate few Kunas to the Red Cross  :-)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

النداء الأخير لركاب الرّحلة المتجهة إلى فلسطين

من كان في مطار بيروت فجر اليوم، لغادر لبنان على أنغام الأغنية الفلسطينية "الهلالاليا"..

وأنا في قاعة الإنتظار أدندن بكلمات الأغنية، رأيت بهذه الهلالاليا إشارة إلى عودة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين قريبًا إلى فلسطين-المحرّرة، عبر مطار بيروت!

هلا لا ليه وهلا لا ليه
عيني يا فلسطينيّة
كل القوافل رجعت، وين راح الزمن فيا؟