current mood : insomniac
current issue : the big tree
current addiction : cotton candy
current slogan : "Lipos is here" - Liban.Post
current music mood : sail away with me.. ♪♫
“death reunites.”
current mood : insomniac
current issue : the big tree
current addiction : cotton candy
current slogan : "Lipos is here" - Liban.Post
current music mood : sail away with me.. ♪♫
إلى إدارة "المؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال" الموقّرة،
إقتراح مهم جدًا جدًا جدًا
تحية طيبة وبعد،
لاحظت أثناء متابعتي لبعض البرامج التلفزيونيّة المعروضة على قناتَيْكم الأرضية والفضائية، أنّ برنامج "حلوة ومرّة، ببثّه المباشر و الإعادة، يأخذ حيّزًا كبيرًا من جدول البرامج.
لذلك فإننى أقترح على حضرتكم أن يُستبدل إسم المحطة "ال بي سي" ب "حلوة ومرّة".
مع إحترامي،
"حلو ومرّ" سابقًا
It's 2 in the morning, and I'm laughing so hard I'm afraid to wake up the neighbors.
I just remembered the weirdest conversation I had with my mother.. can't imagine a better mother-daughter heart-to-heart talk!
One day, on our way to my village, my mother looked at me and asked me the following:
Mom: riham, do you know what to do if a guy tried to attack you?
Me : mom, how did you remember this now!
Mom : Just answer me.
To tell you the truth, I was surprised and I couldn't answer.
Mom : you kick him between the legs!
Me (still surprised) : sure mom, I knew that!
Mom : and what if a girl tried to attack you
Me - Surprised?! not anymore.. this time I was traumatized!!
Mom : you just pinch her upper body part
(a more decent way of saying chest or breasts!!!)
Our mothers are the strangest* and craziest* people we'll ever meet!.. in a good way of course
الوضع الحالي.. على المستوى الشّخصي، والمحلّي، والوطني، والعربي، والإقليمي، والدّولي، والعالمي
{ And mankind is naught but a single nation. }
Holy Quran, Surah Yunus
{ Les gens formaient (à l'origine) une seule communauté (croyante). }
Le Saint Coran, Sourate Yûnus
{ وَمَا كَانَ النَّاسُ إِلاَّ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً فَاخْتَلَفُواْ }
القرآن الكريم، سورة يونس